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Credit Accounts

To apply for a 30 day credit account please click on this link 30 Day Credit Application and fill out the form when done click submit and our accounts department will get back in touch with a decision:

Terms & conditions:

  • If & when you apply for credit: The CAD we may search your record at a credit agency who will supply us with credit information.
  • In assessing you for credit and to manage your account, The CAD may also use any information which the company already holds about you.
  • All Credit accounts must have a Credit or debit card saved under your account before an account will be opened and this card must stay in place at all times in order to keep the credit account open.
  • Once an account is open with The CAD you have 30 days to pay from the invoice date. Any time after 30 days interest will be charged onto account automatically until that invoice is paid in full.
  • If The CAD enters into a credit agreement with you, they may also add details of your agreement as well as ongoing details of your account and how you manage it to credit reference agency records. If you do not repay on time or in full, they may tell the credit agencies who will record details of the debt. All this information will be seen by other organisations carrying out later searches. This information may be used to assess you for credit or to verify your identity.
  • Payment’s on account can be made by phone by credit or debit card online by credit or debit card, by post with cheque or by Bank transfer. Our Bank details can be found on our order notes or invoices.
  • An Invoice which is overdue (30 days plus) can be passed on to a debt recovery company any time after this date, this is up to our discretion.
  • All Goods will remain the property of Supply Channels Ltd. T/A The CAD until the goods are paid for in full and lasting settlement.


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